a scientist conducts experiments to test what temperature causes the fastest growth rate in sunflower plantsafter multiple trials the results show that sunflower plants grow the fastest at 75 FIs this experement an example of replication or repetition?

Repetition occurs when multiple sets of measurements are made during one scientific investigation. Replication occurs when a scientific investigation is reproduced by another person. Repetition is multiple trials, when replication is when you redo the entire experiment

In order to determine whether this experiment is an example of replication or repetition, it is helpful to understand the definitions of the terms.

Replication refers to the process of repeating an experiment exactly in order to verify the original findings. It involves conducting the experiment using the same methods and procedures as the original study to check if the results can be reproduced.

Repetition, on the other hand, involves conducting similar experiments with the intention of gathering more data and confirming the previous findings. It allows for testing the consistency and reliability of the results by performing the experiment multiple times.

Based on the information provided, this particular experiment can be considered an example of repetition. The scientist conducted multiple trials to test the growth rate of sunflower plants under different temperature conditions, specifically focusing on determining the temperature that leads to the fastest growth. By conducting these multiple trials, the scientist gathered more data and obtained consistent results indicating that the fastest growth rate was observed at 75°F.

It’s would be a replication