
2x = -3y * 22

Do you mean 2x/(-3y) = 22? That would give you oobleck's response.

See 8:32 AM post.

To solve the equation 2x ÷ (-3y) = 22, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Simplify the equation by performing the division first.
2x ÷ (-3y) = 22
2x / (-3y) = 22

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by (-3y) to eliminate the denominator.
(2x / (-3y)) * (-3y) = 22 * (-3y)
2x = -66y

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate the x variable.
(2x)/2 = (-66y)/2
x = -33y

Therefore, the solution to the equation 2x ÷ (-3y) = 22 is x = -33y.