Why do we have to learn pure maths

No one knows what knowledge and skills you will need as an adult.


Learning pure mathematics serves several important purposes:

1. Developing problem-solving skills: Pure mathematics involves logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving techniques. By learning pure mathematics, you train your mind to approach complex problems with creativity and analytical thinking. These skills can be utilized in various fields beyond mathematics, such as science, engineering, computer science, and economics.

2. Enhancing computational skills: Pure mathematics often involves rigorous calculations that help strengthen your computational skills. These skills are essential for performing calculations efficiently, which is valuable in many practical situations, such as analyzing data, making financial decisions, or conducting scientific experiments.

3. Deepening understanding of the world: Pure mathematics provides a framework for understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern our world. It enables you to see the beauty and patterns underlying various phenomena. Mathematics helps explain and model numerous natural and social phenomena, such as the movements of celestial bodies, the spread of diseases, or the behavior of financial markets.

4. Building a strong foundation for other fields: Many other disciplines, such as physics, computer science, and economics, rely heavily on mathematical concepts and techniques. By learning pure mathematics, you develop a solid foundation that will facilitate your understanding and success in these fields. For example, studying calculus is crucial for understanding physics equations, and knowledge of set theory and logic is essential for computer science.

If you want to learn pure mathematics, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Start with the basics: Begin with basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry concepts. Ensure your foundational knowledge is strong before moving on to more advanced topics.

2. Familiarize yourself with proof-writing: Pure mathematics often involves proving theorems and propositions. Practice writing clear and rigorous mathematical proofs, as this skill will be crucial in higher-level mathematics.

3. Take courses or enroll in programs: Consider taking mathematics courses at your school or university. Look for courses in calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, number theory, real analysis, and abstract algebra, which are core areas of pure mathematics.

4. Seek resources and textbooks: Many textbooks, online courses, and educational websites are available to study pure mathematics. Look for recommended textbooks in various topics and practice exercises to reinforce your understanding.

5. Engage in problem-solving: Actively engage in solving mathematical problems from textbooks, online resources, or competitions. This practice will enhance your problem-solving skills and give you exposure to different types of mathematical problems.

6. Collaborate and seek guidance: Join study groups or seek guidance from teachers, professors, or mentors who can provide assistance and clarify concepts when needed.

Remember, learning pure mathematics requires patience, persistence, and practice. Embrace the beauty and challenge of the subject, and enjoy the journey of exploring the depths of mathematical knowledge.