Translate The sum of a number times 2 and 29 is greater than 25 .

Let x represent the number

2x + 29 > 25

To translate the given phrase, "The sum of a number times 2 and 29 is greater than 25," into an equation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the unknown number.
Let's assume the unknown number as 'x'.

Step 2: Express the given phrase mathematically.
The sum of a number times 2 can be written as 2x, and adding 29 gives 2x + 29. The resulting expression is greater than 25.

So, the equation can be written as:
2x + 29 > 25

Now, to solve this inequality and find the value of 'x', we'll follow these steps:

Step 3: Subtract 29 from both sides.
2x + 29 - 29 > 25 - 29
2x > -4

Step 4: Divide both sides by 2.
2x/2 > -4/2
x > -2

Therefore, the translated statement and solution to the inequality is:
"The unknown number is greater than -2."