Am looking for life orientation memorandum project Task3 2018

To find a life orientation memorandum project task 3 from 2018, you have a few options:

1. Check with your teacher or school: The first and easiest option is to reach out to your life orientation teacher or school. They may have kept a copy of the memorandum for reference purposes.

2. Use online educational resources: Many websites provide educational resources and materials for students. Look for reputable educational websites that offer past papers and memorandums for life orientation. Popular websites include Thutong,, and Together We Pass.

3. Join online communities and forums: Some online communities and forums dedicated to students and education provide a platform for sharing resources. You can join these communities and ask if anyone has the memorandum you're looking for. Websites like Reddit, Quora, and education-focused forums are good places to start.

4. Check with classmates and friends: Reach out to your classmates or friends who were in the same grade as you in 2018. They might have kept a copy of the memorandum or know someone who does.

Remember, it's important to use resources responsibly and avoid any form of cheating or plagiarism. Memorandums are meant to help you understand the correct answers and learn from them, not to copy them.