huck mentions that he wishes the widow douglas could know about his efforts to save the men on the wreck of the walter scott. pretend that you are huck and write a letter to the widow, explaining the situation and what you did about it. try to copy the speech and spelling patterns twain uses for huck. be sure to include at least one statement of your philosophy about this situation.

I'll check your answer IF you use appropriate capitalization.

Huck mentions that he wishes the widow Douglas could know about his efforts to save the men on the wreck of the Walter Scott. Pretend that you are Huck and write a letter to the widow, explaining the situation and what you did about it. Try to copy the speech and spelling patterns Twain uses for Huck. Be sure to include at least one statement of your philosophy about this situation.

Pretend that you are Huck and write a letter to the Widow, explaining the situation and what you did about it. Try to copy the speech and spelling patterns Twain uses for Huck. Be sure to include at least one statement of your "philosophy" about this situation.

Dear Widow Douglas,

I reckon you ain't heard from me in a while. Well, I've come across something mighty important, and I reckon it's about time you know what I've been up to. You remember that old wreck of the Walter Scott? Well, there was a mighty big storm, and it got all tangled up in a mess. Now, you know me, I can't just stand by and watch folks suffer. I had to do something about it.

So, I gathered up my raft and set out to the river, determined to save them poor souls stranded on that wreck. It weren't an easy task, no ma'am, but I had to do it. I don't rightly know why I feel this way, but it's like there's a call deep down in my bones, urging me to lend a hand when someone's in trouble.

I rowed my way through the raging water, battling the waves as if they were the devil himself. It was dangerous, Widow, mighty dangerous. But I had to push forward 'cause I knew there were lives depending on me. When I got there, those men, all tired and scared, didn't know what hit 'em. But I told 'em not to worry, that I was there to save 'em from the clutches of the river.

I did everything I could, Widow. I ain't no hero or nothing, but I couldn't just let 'em suffer. Those men, they needed help, and I had to step up. I grabbed ahold of them one by one, praying to the stars that we all made it out alive. And by the grace of God, we did. We made it back to shore, safe and sound.

Now, I ain't writing this letter to brag or nothin'. I just wanted you to know, Widow Douglas, that I ain't no good-for-nothing no more. I may be a young boy, but I believe in doing the right thing. It don't matter who you are or where you come from, if there's something you can do to help, then by all means, you better do it. It's our duty as human beings, Widow.

I reckon that's about all I can say for now, Widow Douglas. I hope this letter finds you well and that you keep me in your prayers. Just remember, there'll always be folks out there needing a hand. And as long as I'm around, I'll do my darnedest to help 'em.

With all my respect,


That clarifies the question.

But what is your answer?