evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behaviour on yourself and others(your community or society at large).refer to the 4 spheres of well-being i.e social,economic,physical and emotional

Mental illness, unemployment, school dropout, arrest , sexually transmitted infections,crime can impact negatively on the society

Type of risky behaviour.identify and explain four types of risky behaviour amongst the youth by giving examples

Identify and explain five type of risk behavior

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Youth risk behavior refers to actions or choices made by young individuals that have the potential to harm themselves or others. These behaviors can negatively impact various aspects of well-being, including the social, economic, physical, and emotional spheres. Let's explore each of these spheres and discuss the negative impacts of youth risk behavior within them:

1. Social Sphere: Youth risk behavior can have adverse effects on social well-being. For instance, engaging in substance abuse, such as alcohol or drugs, can lead to impaired judgment and decision-making, resulting in strained relationships with family, friends, and peers. These behaviors can also contribute to social isolation, a lack of trust, and difficulties in forming meaningful connections, which are essential for personal growth and a healthy social life.

2. Economic Sphere: The negative impact of youth risk behavior can extend to the economic sphere. Engaging in activities like underage drinking, substance abuse, or delinquency can increase the chances of legal problems, which may lead to financial burdens such as legal fees or fines. Additionally, involvement in criminal activities may limit future employment opportunities, making it difficult for young individuals to secure stable and well-paying jobs.

3. Physical Sphere: Youth risk behavior can significantly affect physical well-being. Certain behaviors, such as reckless driving, participating in unsafe sexual practices, or engaging in violent activities, can lead to severe injuries, chronic illnesses, or even death. Substance abuse can also result in long-term health problems, including addiction, liver damage, cognitive impairment, and increased risk of mental health disorders.

4. Emotional Sphere: Youth risk behavior can have profound emotional consequences. Engaging in risky behaviors such as self-harm, substance abuse, or unsafe sexual practices can lead to low self-esteem, feelings of guilt, shame, and depression. Moreover, the negative effects can extend beyond the individual, impacting the emotional well-being of family members, friends, and the community who may experience worry, anxiety, or grief due to their loved one's actions.

To evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behavior in these spheres, consider gathering information from relevant research articles, studies, or statistics. Additionally, personal anecdotes or local community experiences can provide valuable insights into the consequences of such behaviors. It is important to approach this topic with empathy and understanding, as issues related to youth risk behavior often require comprehensive support systems involving education, counseling, and community engagement to address and prevent these negative impacts effectively.

Type. Of risky behaviour.identify and explain four types of risky behaviour amongst the youth by giving examples


Examine the impact of risky behaviour on the different spheres of well-being by conducting interview with at least four young adult

Evaluate and discuss the negative impact of substance abuse, unprotected Sex, unhealthy eating habits and violence on yourself and others ( your community or society at large) .Refer to the phrases of well-being i.e social, economic, physical and environmental.

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