Challenger elementary school has 800 students every Wednesday 12% of the students stay after school for chess club how many students attend chess club on Wednesdays

the answer would be 96

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Challenger Elementary School has 800 students. Every Wednesday 12% of the students stay after school for chess club. How many students attend chess club on Wednesdays?

0.12 * 800 = _____

To find out how many students attend chess club on Wednesdays, you need to calculate 12% of the total number of students at Challenger Elementary School. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate 12% of 800
To calculate 12% of a number, you can multiply the number by 0.12 (which is the decimal equivalent of 12%). So, to find 12% of 800, you would do:
12% × 800 = 0.12 × 800 = 96

Therefore, 96 students attend chess club on Wednesdays at Challenger Elementary School.

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Challenger Elementary School has

800 students. Every Wednesday,
12%percent of the students stay after school for Chess Club.
How many students attend Chess Club on Wednesdays?