You can't get children ready for kindergarten and make up for five years of _______ with a six-week preschool program.

A. socialization
B. poverty
C. choices
D. advocacy

My answer is A.

I disagree.

Choices? No. Choices can be good, bad or indifferent.

I've checked two of your guesses. Now you're on your own. Please do not post this question again.

That's correct! The missing word in the sentence is "socialization." The sentence is suggesting that a six-week preschool program is not enough to compensate for five years of lack of socialization in preparing children for kindergarten. Socialization refers to the process by which individuals learn and adapt to the social norms, behaviors, and expectations of a particular society or group. In the context of kindergarten readiness, socialization involves developing social skills such as interacting with others, sharing, taking turns, and following classroom rules. A longer and more consistent exposure to socialization experiences, such as attending preschool or interacting with peers, can better prepare children for the social aspects of kindergarten.