4. Which of the following best describes discipline?

A. It works all the time with every child if you find the right method.
B. It must be harsh to work.

C. It's nearly the same as guidance.

D. It should be avoided.

My answer is D.

Your answer doesn't fit this definition from Google.

Learn to pronounce
the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
"a lack of proper parental and school discipline"
synonyms: control, regulation, direction, order, authority, rule, strictness, a firm hand; More
a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education.
"sociology is a fairly new discipline"
synonyms: field (of study), branch of knowledge, course of study, subject, area; More
train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
"many parents have been afraid to discipline their children"
synonyms: train, drill, teach, school, coach, educate, regiment, indoctrinate; More

Yes. C.

The correct answer is C. "It's nearly the same as guidance."

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Discipline works all the time with every child if you find the right method.
This option suggests that finding the right method ensures discipline works all the time for every child. However, this statement is an oversimplification. Discipline does not have a one-size-fits-all approach, as it depends on various factors such as the child's age, personality, and situation.

B. Discipline must be harsh to work.
This option states that discipline needs to be harsh to be effective. While some people may believe in strict discipline, it is not the only approach. Different disciplinary measures can be used based on the child's age and understanding, and harshness is not always necessary.

C. Discipline is nearly the same as guidance.
This option suggests that discipline and guidance are similar. Discipline is a part of guidance, but it also involves setting boundaries, enforcing rules, and teaching a child appropriate behavior. While guidance plays a role in discipline, there is more to it.

D. Discipline should be avoided.
This option states that discipline should be avoided. However, discipline is an essential aspect of child-rearing. It helps shape a child's behavior, instill values, and teach them right from wrong. Avoiding discipline altogether may lead to a lack of structure and the inability to navigate rules and boundaries.

Based on the analysis, option D is incorrect. The best answer would be C, as it acknowledges that discipline is a part of guidance.