if an investor invest 450.00 in a certain organization in order to yield × as a return of 25.00. find the return in an investment of 700.000 by Y in the same organization?

To find the return on an investment of $700,000, we need to use the information provided in the question.

Let's break down the known information:
Investment amount: $450.00
Return on investment: $25.00

We need to find the return on an investment of $700,000. Let's determine the ratio of the return to the investment for the known investment amount:

Return/Investment = $25.00/$450.00

To find the ratio, we can simplify this calculation:
Return/Investment = 1/18

Now, we need to apply this ratio to the new investment amount:

Return on the investment of $700,000 = Ratio * Investment Amount

Return on the investment of $700,000 = (1/18) * $700,000

To get the result, let's evaluate this expression:
Return on the investment of $700,000 = $38,888.89 (approximately)

Therefore, the return on an investment of $700,000 in the same organization would be approximately $38,888.89.