Erik Erikson named the psychosocial stages of development concerning the early issue of

A. trust.

B. patterns.

C. theory.

D. attachment.

My answer is D.

It's either trust or attachment. What does your reading assignment say?

Actually, the correct answer is A. trust. Erik Erikson, a prominent psychologist and psychoanalyst, developed a theory of psychosocial development that includes eight stages. The first stage, which occurs during infancy, is known as trust vs. mistrust. In this stage, infants learn to trust or mistrust their caregivers based on the consistency and reliability of their care. It forms the foundation for the subsequent stages of development.

To arrive at this answer, you can remember Erikson's theory and the stages he proposed. It is important to understand the main ideas and concepts of each stage to select the correct option. In this case, knowing that the first stage is focused on the issue of trust helps you identify the correct answer.