Identify the sentence that correctly uses the simple past tense

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To identify the sentence that correctly uses the simple past tense, we need to understand what the simple past tense is and look for sentences that follow its rules.

The simple past tense is used to describe completed actions or events that occurred in the past. In English, most regular verbs form the simple past by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb, while irregular verbs have specific past tense forms.

Let's look at some example sentences in the simple past tense:

1. "She walked to the park yesterday." - This sentence correctly uses the simple past tense by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb "walk."

2. "He plays basketball last week." - This sentence is incorrect since it uses the present tense form "plays" instead of the simple past tense form.

3. "I run five miles yesterday morning." - This sentence is incorrect because it uses the present tense form "run" instead of the simple past tense form.

4. "They performed a concert on Saturday." - This sentence correctly uses the simple past tense. The base form of the verb "perform" is used without any additional endings.

Therefore, the sentence that correctly uses the simple past tense is: "She walked to the park yesterday."