the study of finances of Glassford motors has shown that the profit of the company is modeled by p=-2n^2+800n+370000, where p is profit in dollars, and n is the number of trucks sold

a) at what point (how many trucks sold) will demand be too great (0 profit)

b) how many trucks need to be sold to profit $350000

For part b) put $350000 in for p and solve for n.

For part a), use the method you learned to find the vertex of the parabola


To find the number of trucks sold when the profit is zero, you need to solve the equation p = 0.

a) Setting p = 0 in the profit equation p = -2n^2 + 800n + 370000:
0 = -2n^2 + 800n + 370000

To solve this quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula: x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)
In this case, a = -2, b = 800, and c = 370000.

x = (-800 ± √(800^2 - 4(-2)(370000))) / (2(-2))

Simplifying the equation further, you get:
x = (-800 ± √(640000 + 2960000)) / (-4)
x = (-800 ± √(3600000)) / (-4)
x = (-800 ± 1900) / (-4)

Now, calculate both solutions:
x₁ = (-800 + 1900) / (-4) = 275
x₂ = (-800 - 1900) / (-4) = 275

Therefore, the point at which the demand is too great (zero profit) is when 275 trucks are sold.

b) To determine the number of trucks needed to make a profit of $350,000, we need to solve the equation p = 350,000.

Substitute p = 350,000 into the profit equation p = -2n^2 + 800n + 370,000:

350,000 = -2n^2 + 800n + 370,000

Now, rearrange the equation to a quadratic form to solve for n:

2n^2 - 800n + 20,000 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula once again, with a = 2, b = -800, and c = 20,000:

n = (-(-800) ± √((-800)^2 - 4(2)(20,000))) / (2(2))
n = (800 ± √(640,000 - 160,000)) / 4
n = (800 ± √(480,000)) / 4
n = (800 ± 692.82) / 4

Now, calculate both solutions:
n₁ = (800 + 692.82) / 4 ≈ 373.21
n₂ = (800 - 692.82) / 4 ≈ 26.79

Therefore, approximately 373 trucks need to be sold to make a profit of $350,000.