A rectangular pyramid with 10cm by 7cm has a height of 11cm. Calculate the rate of the nearest number. a.the size of triangle b.surface c.volume

no idea what the "rate of the nearest number" is for a pyramid.

The volume is the usual 1/3 Bh = 1/3 * 10 * 7 * 11

The area is the base plus 4 triangles.
The triangular faces along the long sides have slant height √(5^2+11^2)
the faces along the short side have slant height √((7/2)^2+11^2)
now just add up all those areas

Draw a pyramid and sketch the diagonal line of its base. Sketch it's height 11cm and it's base 10cm and 7cm of the length and breadth.

Take an imaginary sketch of a right angle triangle 📐 from the diagonal lines, thus using Pythagoras theorem to find the hypotenuse when 7cm is the opposite and 10cm is the adjacent therefore, using the Pythagoras theorem H²=O²+A² =12.21
Now bring your answer🔝(12.21) to the diagonal lines and divide it with 2 between the diagonal lines therefore 6.1,6.1,6.1,6.1.
Take out an imaginary sketch of a right angle triangle 📐 with opposite 11cm(height of the pyramid) and adjacent 6.1(a divided part of the diagonal lines). Using Pythagoras theorem H²=O²+A²=12.58
Answer of sides of triangle is 12.58.

I need ans to this formula .for calculating side ofa triangle

The formula you used is the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

So in this case, you used the theorem to find the length of the diagonal line of the pyramid's base, which is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs of length 7cm and 10cm.

Then you divided this length by 2 to get the length of each half of the diagonal line.

Finally, you used the length of one of these halves and the height of the pyramid to form another right triangle and used the Pythagorean theorem again to find the length of the side of the triangle, which is also the slant height of the pyramid.

Your answer for the side of the triangle/side of the pyramid is 12.58cm.



love this group a lot .

I need ans to this formula for calculating side ofa triangle