I have a few questions and if you could please get back to me asap that would be greatly appreciated!

1. fill in the blanks for the rules for working with exponents:
a. if multiplying terms with the same base, you _____ their

b. if dividing terms with the same base, you ______ their exponents

c. raising a power to a power, you _____ the exponents

d. any number raised to the 0 power is ____

e. a negative exponent is defined as _________

my answers:
a. add
d. undefined
e. i have no clue

thank you

on A i mean “ if multiplying terms with the same base, you _____ their exponents”

c) ... you multiply their exponents

e.g. (3^3)^4
= 3^3 * 3^3 * 3^3 * 3^3 = 3^12

d) anything to the zero is 1, except 0^0 which is undefined
e.g. 4^0 = 1
7.56^0 = 1

e) a^-n = 1/a^n and (a/b)^-n = (b/a)^n
e.g. 5^-2 = 1/5^2 = 1/25
3^-4 = 1/3^4 = 1/81
(3/4)^-2 = (4/3)^2 = 16/9

test each of my examples with your calculator
look for a key labelled y^x or a^b or something like that
to do 4^-2 , press
2 ± <----- switches the +2 to -2, or vice versa
= to get .0625 which is 1/4^2 or 1/16

Sure, I can help you with that! Here are the correct answers for the rules of working with exponents:

a. If multiplying terms with the same base, you ADD their exponents.
Example: x^3 * x^4 = x^(3+4) = x^7

b. If dividing terms with the same base, you SUBTRACT their exponents.
Example: x^4 / x^2 = x^(4-2) = x^2

c. Raising a power to a power, you MULTIPLY the exponents.
Example: (x^3)^2 = x^(3*2) = x^6

d. Any number raised to the 0 power is EQUAL TO 1.
Example: x^0 = 1

e. A negative exponent is defined as taking the RECIPROCAL of the base with a positive exponent.
Example: x^-3 = 1 / x^3

So, the correct answers are:
a. add
b. subtract
c. multiply
d. equal to 1
e. taking the reciprocal

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.