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Which statement does not accurately describe the Black Death that struck Europe in the fourteenth century?
A. The effects of the plague stopped all advancements in science and medicine for the next two centuries.
B. Most people in Europe at that time believed that the plague was God's judgment upon the sins of humankind.
C. The plague is thought to have been carried to Europe from Central Asia on trading ships and transmitted by fleas on rats.
D. On feudal manors, so many peasants died that labor became scarce and the old social order began to fall apart.

A is not true.

To answer this question, we need to read and analyze the statements provided and determine which one does not accurately describe the Black Death.

Statement A states that the effects of the plague stopped all advancements in science and medicine for the next two centuries. To verify the accuracy of this statement, we can conduct some research.

One way to find reliable information is to consult reputable historical sources, such as books or scholarly articles. Another option is to look for reliable online sources like academic journals or reputable websites dedicated to history.

By searching for information on the effects of the Black Death on scientific and medical advancements in Europe, we can gather evidence to support or refute the statement made in option A.

Based on historical research, it is widely agreed that statement A is incorrect. Although the Black Death had severe social, economic, and demographic impacts, it did not halt all advancements in science and medicine for the next two centuries. In fact, the aftermath of the Black Death played a role in fueling changes and advancements in various fields, including medicine, as people searched for ways to combat and prevent the disease.

Therefore, the statement that does not accurately describe the Black Death is A.

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