A number cube is rolled 360 times, and the results are recorded as follows: 41 ones, 54 twos, 62 threes, 75 fours, 33 fives, and 75 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling a 2 or a 3?

A. 0.07
B. 0.17
C. 0.26
D. 0.83

that would be (54+62)/360

I suspect a typo, since 41+54+62+75+33+75 ≠ 360

thank you but I figured it out!

what is it plz help me :(

To find the experimental probability of rolling a 2 or a 3, you need to determine the number of times a 2 or a 3 is rolled and divide it by the total number of rolls.

In this case, the number of times a 2 is rolled is 54, and the number of times a 3 is rolled is 62. To find the total number of times a 2 or a 3 is rolled, you need to add these two numbers together.

54 + 62 = 116

Now, divide the total number of times a 2 or a 3 is rolled by the total number of rolls, which is 360.

116 / 360 = 0.322

The experimental probability of rolling a 2 or a 3 is 0.322.

Now, we can compare this value to the options provided:

A. 0.07
B. 0.17
C. 0.26
D. 0.83

Since none of the options match the calculated experimental probability of 0.322, none of the given options is correct.