Anna mixes the letters S,E,L,E,C,T,E, and D thoroughly. Without looking, Mary draws one letter. Expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability the E will NOT be the letter Mary selects.

A 3/8,, 0.375,, 37.5%
B 8/5,, 1.6,, 16%
C 5/8,, 0.625,, 62.5% *****
D 8/3,, 2.667,, 26.667%

Once this question is answered I have lots other that need to be checked and corrected. Thank you!

why just wait around? Try to think it through.

there are 8 letters
5 are not E
so, what do you think?

oops. I see that you chose the correct answer.

good job

I think I'll just wait for Ms. Sue...…..

Thank you now...

A pizza shop offers the toppings shown below how many different 3-topping pizzas can you make?
(pepperoni, mushrooms, sausage, onion, ham)

Sorry I meant 10

10 is correct,

you are choosing 3 from 5 or C(5,3)

To answer this question, we first need to determine the total number of letters that Mary can choose from.

Since Anna mixed the letters S, E, L, E, C, T, and D, there are a total of 7 letters available.

Next, we need to find the number of times the letter 'E' appears in the mixed letters.

Out of the 7 letters, there are two 'E's.

Therefore, the probability of Mary selecting the letter 'E' is 2/7.

To find the probability that Mary does not select the letter 'E', we subtract the probability of selecting 'E' from 1.

1 - 2/7 = 5/7

So, the probability that the 'E' will not be the letter Mary selects is 5/7.

Now let's express this probability as a fraction, decimal, and percentage:

Fraction: 5/7
Decimal: 0.714
Percentage: 71.4%

None of the given options match the correct answer. The closest option is C, which has a fraction of 5/8 and a percentage of 62.5%, but it does not match the decimal value.