The sum of a number is 1214 base 5. What is the average expressed in base 5?

I do not understand. You can not find the sum of one number.

Perhaps you mean the sum and average of several numbers, but if so we need to know them to find the average.
Anyway if you want to convert that number to base ten it is:
1*5^3 + 2*5^2 + 1*5^1 + 4*5^0
= 125 + 50 + 5 + 4

To find the average, we divide the sum by the number of values.

In this case, the sum of the number is 1214 base 5.

To find the number of values, we need to convert 1214 base 5 to base 10.

1214 base 5 = 1(5^3) + 2(5^2) + 1(5^1) + 4(5^0) = 1(125) + 2(25) + 1(5) + 4(1) = 537 base 10.

Therefore, the sum of the number is 537 base 10.

Now, we need the number of values. Since there is only one value mentioned, the number of values is 1.

To find the average, we divide 537 base 10 by 1.

Average = 537 base 10 / 1 = 537 base 10.

Now we need to express the average in base 5.

To convert 537 base 10 to base 5, we divide repeatedly by 5 and write down the remainders.

537 base 10 divided by 5 equals 107 with a remainder of 2.
107 divided by 5 equals 21 with a remainder of 2.
21 divided by 5 equals 4 with a remainder of 1.
4 divided by 5 equals 0 with a remainder of 4.

Writing down the remainders from bottom to top, we get the base 5 representation of 537 as 4212 base 5.

Therefore, the average expressed in base 5 is 4212 base 5.

To find the average, we need to divide the sum by the count of numbers.

In this case, the sum of a number is given as 1214 base 5. However, we do not know the count of numbers. So, to find the average, we will need additional information.

If you give me the count of numbers, I can help you find the average expressed in base 5.