What effect did the eastern front have on World War I?

(Select all that apply.)

The heavy Russian losses, combined with food and fuel shortages, led to the abdication of Czar Nicholas II.

The eastern front was closed within one year and did not have an important effect on the outcome of the war.

The Central powers were forced to surrender to the Allied powers as a result of their losses to Russia on the eastern front.

The eastern front weakened German and Austro-Hungarian forces, making them less effective on the western front.
Would this be A?

A and D?

Yeah it's A and D. I just took the test and got those right.

No, the correct answer would be:

- The heavy Russian losses, combined with food and fuel shortages, led to the abdication of Czar Nicholas II.
- The eastern front weakened German and Austro-Hungarian forces, making them less effective on the western front.

To arrive at the correct answer, let's break down the options and explain how to find the answer:

A. The heavy Russian losses, combined with food and fuel shortages, led to the abdication of Czar Nicholas II.

This statement is correct. The Russian losses on the eastern front and the ensuing food and fuel shortages contributed to the discontent and frustration among the Russian population, ultimately leading to the abdication of Czar Nicholas II in March 1917.

B. The eastern front was closed within one year and did not have an important effect on the outcome of the war.

This statement is incorrect. The eastern front was a critical theater of the war, lasting from 1914 to 1918. It had a significant impact on the overall course and eventual outcome of World War I.

C. The Central powers were forced to surrender to the Allied powers as a result of their losses to Russia on the eastern front.

This statement is incorrect. While the losses on the eastern front were a contributing factor, the ultimate surrender of the Central powers was influenced by multiple other factors, such as the combined pressure from the Allied offensives on the western front, the collapse of the German home front, and political instability within the Central powers.

D. The eastern front weakened German and Austro-Hungarian forces, making them less effective on the western front.

This statement is correct. The demands and strain of fighting on the eastern front placed a significant burden on the German and Austro-Hungarian forces. This, in turn, weakened their overall military capabilities and effectiveness on the western front.

Therefore, the correct answers are A and D.