For the given equation of line:

y = 0.5x - 2
identify slope and based on slope (without graphing)
determine if line goes upwards, downwards or stay horizontal.

y = mx+b

is called the slope-intercept form for a reason.

positive slope means y increases when x increases.

See what you can do with that

To identify the slope of the given equation without graphing, we can look at the coefficient of x in the equation y = 0.5x - 2.

In this equation, the coefficient of x is 0.5. The coefficient of x represents the slope of the line.

Therefore, the slope of the line is 0.5.

To determine if the line goes upwards, downwards, or stays horizontal, we need to consider the sign of the slope.

Since the slope is positive (0.5 is greater than 0), the line goes upwards. This means that as we move from left to right along the x-axis, the corresponding y-values increase.