Many people visit Britain because of their heritage. Americans, for example, often travel to the United Kingdom to revisit the homes of their English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh ancestors. Tourists flock to famous places such as London’s Buckingham Palace. They also visit ancient and historic sites such as Stonehenge and Shakespeare's hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Which type of economic activity does the passage reflect?


service sector


D. **
retail trade

Yes, retail trade.

Hotels, restaurants, trains, stores, etc.

Which of the following best describes the impact of immigration on Europe during the 1900s?

Immigrants bring wealth and skills that have helped lower government costs for health care.

Cultural diversity within wealthy western European countries has increased.

European countries rejected immigration to preserve one dominant culture in each country (i think this one)

Immigration has caused the number of people in the workforce to shrink, harming the European economy.

I disagree.

Hmm, let me think about this. Ah, I see it now. The correct answer is D. retail trade. Because people visiting Britain for their heritage and tourist attractions would likely be spending their dough on souvenirs and things like that, supporting the retail industry. So, let's go with D, retail trade, my friend!

The type of economic activity that the passage reflects is D. retail trade.

The passage mentions that tourists visit famous places like Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, and Stratford-upon-Avon. These places are tourist attractions that offer various retail services such as ticket sales, souvenirs, food and beverages, and other retail offerings to cater to the needs and preferences of the tourists.

The retail trade sector involves selling goods and services directly to consumers in order to make a profit. In this case, the passage describes how tourists visit different locations and engage in retail activities by purchasing tickets, souvenirs, and other goods related to their visit.

Therefore, the passage reflects the economic activity of retail trade.