Which most accurately examines the significance of the decision in Marbury v. Madison?

A) It demonstrated the importance of the judicial branch in preventing the executive branch from lapsing into tyranny.
B) It upheld the right of the federal government to establish a national bank system and regulate the production and value of currency.
C) It established the judicial review process, which created a balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
D) It allowed for a balance of power between the state and federal branches of government, which resolved disputes between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

I think the answer is either A or C but i mainly think C

Yes, C.


You are correct that the answer is either A or C. To determine the most accurate answer, let's examine the significance of the decision in Marbury v. Madison.

Marbury v. Madison was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1803 that established the principle of judicial review in the United States. Judicial review is the power of the courts to review and declare actions of the legislative and executive branches unconstitutional. The decision clarified the roles and powers of the different branches of government.

Option A suggests that the decision in Marbury v. Madison demonstrated the importance of the judicial branch in preventing the executive branch from lapsing into tyranny. This statement recognizes the crucial role played by the judiciary in safeguarding individual rights and preventing abuses of power. By striking down a portion of the Judiciary Act of 1789, the court asserted its authority to review and nullify acts of Congress that conflicted with the Constitution. Thus, option A is a valid interpretation.

Option C states that the decision established the judicial review process, creating a balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. This interpretation highlights the impact of Marbury v. Madison in defining the relationship between the branches. By asserting the power of judicial review, the Supreme Court ensured that no branch would become dominant, thus maintaining a system of checks and balances. Therefore, option C is also a valid interpretation.

Considering both options A and C, it becomes clear that option C is the most accurate choice. It encompasses option A and expands upon it by emphasizing the establishment of the judicial review process and the resulting balance of power among the branches.

So the most accurate examination of the significance of the decision in Marbury v. Madison is that it established the judicial review process, which created a balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Thus, option C is the correct answer.