Trump is 3 years older than Hillary. Seven years ago trump was twice as old as Hillary .

i) how old are they now?
ii) when will the sum of their ages be 45?

Hillary ---- x

trump ---- x+3

Seven years ago:
Hillary --- x-7
Trump --- x+3 - 7 = x - 4

a) x-4 = 2(x-7)
solve for x

b) solve: x-7 + x-4 = 45


b) once you have the value of x
x+t + x+3+t = 45

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic equations. Let's assign variables to Trump and Hillary's ages to help us find the answers.

Let's say T represents Trump's current age and H represents Hillary's current age.

From the given information, we know that Trump is 3 years older than Hillary, which can be written as:

T = H + 3

We also know that seven years ago, Trump was twice as old as Hillary, which can be written as:

(T - 7) = 2(H - 7)

Now, let's solve these equations to find the ages of Trump and Hillary.

i) How old are they now?

From equation 1 (T = H + 3), we can substitute T in equation 2, which gives us:

(H + 3 - 7) = 2(H - 7)
H - 4 = 2H - 14
H - 2H = -14 + 4
-H = -10
H = 10

Now that we know Hillary's age (H = 10), we can substitute this value back into equation 1 to find Trump's age:

T = H + 3
T = 10 + 3
T = 13

So, Hillary is 10 years old and Trump is 13 years old.

ii) When will the sum of their ages be 45?

Let's create an equation to solve for the time when the sum of their ages is 45. Let time be represented by years.

(T + x) + (H + x) = 45

Substituting T = 13 and H = 10 into the equation, we get:

(13 + x) + (10 + x) = 45
23 + 2x = 45
2x = 45 - 23
2x = 22
x = 22/2
x = 11

Therefore, the sum of Trump and Hillary's ages would be 45 in 11 years from now.