Jamal writes the letters K-A-N-S-A-S on cards and then places the cards in a hat. What is the probability of picking an N?

Well possibility it would be

so convert that to a percentage

or just leave it as 1/6

That is the exact answer. Using a decimal value will only give an approximation. Don't feel you always have to use decimal values, unless they are requested. Probabilities are often expressed as fraction.

To find the probability of picking an 'N' from the cards, we need to determine the number of cards with the letter 'N' and divide it by the total number of cards.

First, let's count the number of cards with the letter 'N'. We can see that the word "KANSAS" contains one 'N'. Therefore, there is one card with the letter 'N'.

Next, we count the total number of cards in the hat. The word "KANSAS" consists of six letters, so there are six cards in total.

To calculate the probability, we divide the number of cards with the letter 'N' by the total number of cards:

Probability = Number of cards with 'N' / Total number of cards
= 1 / 6

So, the probability of picking an 'N' is 1/6, which can also be expressed as approximately 0.1667 or 16.67%