Harry's rectangular yard is 2 yards by 14 yards with an area of 28 square yards.

Which dimensions have the same area?

A. L = 14 yards; W = 7 yards

B. L = 7 yards; W = 7 yards

C. L = 7 yards; W = 4 yards

D. L = 12 yards; W = 4 yards

A = L * W

A = L*W.

Calculate the area of each and make comparisons.

To determine which dimensions have the same area as Harry's yard, we need to find the dimensions that yield an area of 28 square yards.

The formula to calculate the area of a rectangle is given by length multiplied by width.

Let's calculate the area for each given set of dimensions:

A. L = 14 yards; W = 7 yards
Area = L * W = 14 yards * 7 yards = 98 square yards

B. L = 7 yards; W = 7 yards
Area = L * W = 7 yards * 7 yards = 49 square yards

C. L = 7 yards; W = 4 yards
Area = L * W = 7 yards * 4 yards = 28 square yards (Same as Harry's yard)

D. L = 12 yards; W = 4 yards
Area = L * W = 12 yards * 4 yards = 48 square yards

From the calculations above, we can see that option C, where L = 7 yards and W = 4 yards, has the same area of 28 square yards as Harry's yard. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.