Chlorpheniramine 100ml

Lidocaine 2oz
Banana flavoring 1/2 tsp
Take 10 ml BID
What is the final volume in mL

just get out your conversion factors for changing oz and tsp to mL

I assume you mean fl oz, since that is a volume unit.

do the conversions, and add them up.

Need examples

To calculate the final volume in mL, we need to first determine the total volume of the ingredients listed.

Chlorpheniramine: 100 mL
Lidocaine: 2 oz = 2 * 29.57 mL (1 oz = 29.57 mL)
Banana flavoring: 1/2 tsp = 2.5 mL (1 tsp = 5 mL)

Now, let's add up the volumes:

Chlorpheniramine: 100 mL
Lidocaine: 2 * 29.57 mL = 59.14 mL
Banana flavoring: 2.5 mL

Total volume = Chlorpheniramine + Lidocaine + Banana flavoring
= 100 mL + 59.14 mL + 2.5 mL
= 161.64 mL

Therefore, the final volume of the mixture is 161.64 mL.

To find the final volume in mL, you need to add up the amounts of each ingredient mentioned in the given information.

1. Chlorpheniramine: The quantity mentioned is 100 mL.
2. Lidocaine: The quantity mentioned is 2 oz (ounces). However, since we need the final volume in mL, we need to convert ounces to mL. One ounce is equal to approximately 29.57 mL. Therefore, 2 oz is equal to 2 x 29.57 mL ≈ 59.14 mL.
3. Banana flavoring: The quantity mentioned is 1/2 tsp (teaspoon). However, teaspoons are not a standard unit for volume, so we need to convert it to mL as well. One teaspoon is equal to approximately 4.93 mL. Therefore, 1/2 tsp is equal to 0.5 x 4.93 mL = 2.465 mL.

Now, add up the quantities of each ingredient:

100 mL (Chlorpheniramine) + 59.14 mL (Lidocaine) + 2.465 mL (Banana flavoring) = 161.605 mL.

Therefore, the final volume in mL is approximately 161.605 mL.