Describe the Portuguese conquest

In 1498,Vasco da Gama visited the coast of East Africa chhfjtwehkha

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They are the portuquese

The Portuguese conquest refers to the period of time during the 15th and 16th centuries when the Kingdom of Portugal expanded its territory and established a vast overseas empire. This exploration and conquest was driven by the desire for wealth, power, and the spread of Christianity.

To understand the Portuguese conquest, it is essential to explore the factors that contributed to its success:

1. Geographical Advantage: Portugal's location on the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula provided it with easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, which became a crucial advantage for maritime exploration and trade.

2. Technological Advancements: Portuguese explorers, such as Prince Henry the Navigator, sponsored expeditions that led to the development of advanced navigational instruments, shipbuilding techniques, and cartography. These advancements enabled the Portuguese to undertake long sea voyages, discover new lands, and establish trade routes.

3. Motives for Exploration: Portugal was driven by a desire to bypass the Arab-controlled land routes and establish direct trading links with Asia. This pursuit of lucrative trade in spices, gold, and other valuable goods motivated Portuguese explorers to venture into unknown territories.

4. Conquest of North Africa: Before venturing further into the Atlantic, the Portuguese focused on capturing key strategic locations along the North African coast. This allowed them to establish fortresses and trading posts, gain control of trade routes, and expand their influence.

5. Exploration of the Atlantic: The Portuguese, under the leadership of explorers like Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan, undertook daring expeditions that pushed the boundaries of known geography. They discovered new lands, including present-day Brazil, India, and parts of Africa, consequently establishing trading outposts, forts, and colonies.

6. Diplomacy and Alliances: Portugal formed alliances with local leaders and established trade networks, relying on mutual benefits for both parties. This strategy allowed them to consolidate their presence and maintain control over their territories.

7. The Treaty of Tordesillas: To avoid conflicts with other European powers, particularly Spain, the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494. This agreement, mediated by the Pope, divided the newly discovered territories between Portugal and Spain, granting Portugal control over most of Africa and Asia.

In summary, the Portuguese conquest was driven by a combination of geographical advantages, technological advancements, economic motives, and strategic alliances. These factors allowed the Portuguese to establish a global empire, making significant contributions to the Age of Discovery and shaping the course of world history.