I need help thinking of ways Greece's physical features have affected the development of it's legacy. Can someone help me?

Greece is made up of a mountainous mainland and many islands.

Thank you too!

Of course! Greece's physical features have indeed played a significant role in shaping its legacy. To understand this better, let's explore some key physical features of Greece and how they have influenced its development.

1. Mountainous Terrain: Greece is characterized by rugged mountain ranges like the Pindus and the Olympus. These mountains have not only provided natural barriers, but they also created isolated valleys and regions. As a result, ancient Greek city-states developed independently, allowing for the emergence of individual identities and diverse forms of governance, contributing to the birth of democracy in Athens.

2. Access to the Sea: Greece is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and is dotted with numerous islands. This maritime access had a profound impact on Greek culture and development. The Greeks became skilled sailors, establishing colonies along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. This led to their expanding trade networks, diffusion of ideas, and the spread of Hellenistic culture.

3. Climate: Greece experiences a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot, dry summers. This climate facilitated the cultivation of various crops, such as olives and grapes, which influenced Greek cuisine, trade, and cultural practices. The abundance of olive trees, for example, played a significant role in ancient Greek economy and influenced their cuisine, religious rituals, and even the perception of beauty.

4. Geographical Proximity: Greece is located in a strategic geographical position, bridging Europe, Asia, and Africa. This allowed for the interaction and exchange of ideas with different cultures, impacting Greek art, philosophy, and literature. The colonization efforts by the ancient Greeks further facilitated cultural diffusion and the spread of their legacy throughout the Mediterranean.

To explore further, you can research specific examples in Greek history and culture, like the impact of the Delphic Oracle (located near Mount Parnassus) on ancient Greek politics and decision-making, or the defense of Thermopylae against the Persian invasion, utilizing the narrow coastal passage.

By examining these physical features, you can gain valuable insights into how they have not only shaped the development of Greece's legacy but also influenced the broader history of Western civilization.

Thank you, Ms. Sue!

You're very welcome.

So there tended to be little self governing city states in the valleys and islands.

You are welcome.