Wet with dew, straggly branches slapped and scratched at my legs and hid uneven ground so that several times I tripped, tumbling and sliding downward.

Which type of conflict best characterizes the events in this passage?
A. character vs. self
B. character vs. nature
C. character vs. society
D. Character vs. character

I'm thinking its C.

I believe it's b

B is correct.

Do you know WHY it's B and not C?

B. character vs. nature

C. character vs. society

Re-read the short passage. What is the reference?
--out in nature (trees, plants, rocks, etc.)
--out in society (people, stores, businesses, government, etc.)?

The type of conflict that best characterizes the events in this passage is B. character vs. nature. In this passage, the character is facing a struggle with the natural elements surrounding them, such as the wet ground, straggly branches slapping and scratching at their legs, and the uneven terrain causing them to trip and tumble. The description of the environment and the physical obstacles the character faces indicate that the conflict is primarily with nature. To determine this answer, I analyzed the text and considered the actions and challenges faced by the character within the passage.