Read the following sentence:

The poor abandoned puppy had a hungry and gaunt look about him.

What does gaunt mean?
A. Angry and dangerous
B. Regal and valiant
C. Thin and hungry
D. Happy and active

I think it is "C. Thin and hungry" but could you clarify?

Hi im logan paul im bored so i think its C

just an update, im with your mom

C is correct.

Yes, you are correct. The word "gaunt" in the sentence means "thin and hungry." It describes the appearance of the abandoned puppy as having a lean and emaciated look.

To clarify how I arrived at this answer, one effective way to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word is to consider the context of the sentence. In this case, the sentence mentions that the puppy is "poor" and "abandoned," which suggests that the puppy is likely in a state of neglect or deprivation. Additionally, it specifically mentions that the puppy has a "hungry and gaunt look about him." The word "gaunt" is used in conjunction with the word "hungry," indicating that the puppy's appearance is associated with thinness and a lack of food. Therefore, option C, "Thin and hungry," is the most appropriate definition for the word "gaunt" in this context.

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