(0.5)to the second power + one eighth divided by one half

i dont now the answer///

0.5^2 + {(1/8) / (1/2) }=

0.25 + (1/8 * 2) =

0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5

To solve this expression, we will follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

The equation (0.5) to the second power is equivalent to squaring 0.5. Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. So, (0.5) to the second power is calculated as 0.5 * 0.5, which equals 0.25.

The next step is to divide one eighth by one half. To divide fractions, we need to multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction, and the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction. So, one eighth divided by one half is calculated as (1/8) * (2/1), which simplifies to 2/8. Since both 2 and 8 are divisible by 2, we can simplify further to get 1/4.

Finally, we add the results of the two parts of the expression. 0.25 + 1/4 can be simplified by finding a common denominator. Since 4 is already the denominator of 1/4, we can rewrite 0.25 as 1/4. Adding 1/4 and 1/4 gives us 2/4.

So, the value of the expression (0.5) to the second power + one eighth divided by one half is 2/4, which can be simplified to 1/2.