i’m having a hard time understanding this. “write an inequality to represent the situation. the temperature stays above -15”

t > -15

above means greater than

so, if we let t represent the temperature, the sentence becomes just

t > -15

thank you both so much!<3

You're welcome

To represent the situation where the temperature stays above -15, you need to write an inequality. Inequalities describe relationships between two values using symbols such as greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (≥), or less than or equal to (≤).

In this case, we want the temperature to be above -15. Since we're using the term "above," it means that the temperature needs to be greater than -15.

Therefore, the inequality to represent this situation would be:
Temperature > -15

Note that the symbol ">" indicates "greater than." So, the temperature should be greater than -15 in order to meet the condition.