After the civil war the Freedman's Bureau was primarily used by the Radical Republicans in congress as a way to-

a) train the freedmen to take positions as workers in northern factories
b) help freed slaves by providing them with food, clothing, and education
c) provide jobs for Northern cartpetbaggers who hoped to make their fortunes in the defeated South
d) punish former Confederate officials for participating in the Civil war

I think it's either A or B

Why do you think it's one of those two?

The correct answer is b) help freed slaves by providing them with food, clothing, and education.

The Freedmen's Bureau was established by Congress in 1865 to assist newly emancipated African Americans and ensure their transition to freedom. Its main purpose was to provide aid and support to former slaves by offering them basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. The bureau also established schools to provide education to freedmen, as well as negotiated labor contracts between former slaves and landowners. Its primary goal was to help improve the lives of freed slaves and ensure their successful integration into society.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and explain how to find the answer:

a) Train the freedmen to take positions as workers in northern factories: To verify if this is true, we need to research the purpose and activities of the Freedmen's Bureau after the Civil War. You can do this by referring to credible historical sources such as books or reputable websites that specialize in U.S. history. Look for information that specifically discusses the goals and objectives of the Freedmen's Bureau and its actions during this time period.

b) Help freed slaves by providing them with food, clothing, and education: Similarly, refer to historical sources to determine if the Freedmen's Bureau did indeed provide assistance to freed slaves in the form of food, clothing, and education. Look for information on the Bureau's efforts in supporting the newly freed individuals and rebuilding their lives after slavery.

c) Provide jobs for Northern carpetbaggers who hoped to make their fortunes in the defeated South: To investigate this option, it would be helpful to examine the historical context of the Reconstruction era, including the motivations and activities of carpetbaggers. Study credible sources that delve into the relationship between carpetbaggers, the Freedmen's Bureau, and the economic climate of the South during this time.

d) Punish former Confederate officials for participating in the Civil War: Again, historical research is essential to determine if the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau included punishment for former Confederate officials. Look for primary sources, such as official records or accounts from that period, and secondary sources, such as scholarly books or articles, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Bureau's objectives during Reconstruction.

By conducting this research, you can identify which answer aligns with historical evidence and select the correct option.