-What is the building block of life, scientifically speaking. Explain why you think so.-

This is an essay question, i'm not asking for the answer, just wondering how to explain further. My answer is cells, is that right, isn't it?
Please help and explain on how to elaborate on this answer.

I agree, but the question is asking why YOU think so.

Yeah but I really needed help! By the way, you're not allowed to somply post comments if it isn't really helping anyone... Not to be rude! :-) Thanks anyway, mate!

Simply* Haha

Yes, you are correct in stating that cells are considered the building blocks of life from a scientific perspective. To elaborate further on this answer, you can delve into the following points:

1. Structure and Function: Cells are the smallest unit of structure and function in all living organisms. They are responsible for carrying out essential processes that allow organisms to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis. Explaining the structure and organization of cells, including the presence of various organelles (such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes), can help support your argument.

2. Diversity: Cells exhibit remarkable diversity, both in terms of their size and complexity. There are prokaryotic cells (found in bacteria and archaea) that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, and eukaryotic cells (found in plants, animals, fungi, and protozoa) that have a defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Emphasizing the diversity of cells can showcase their adaptability and suitability for carrying out specialized functions necessary for life.

3. Reproduction and Growth: Cells are capable of reproducing to give rise to new cells. This concept of cell division, whether through mitosis (as in asexual reproduction) or meiosis (as in sexual reproduction), is crucial for the growth and development of organisms. Highlighting the idea that the formation of new cells is essential for the continuity of life reinforces the importance of cells as the building blocks of life.

4. Evolutionary Perspective: Cells are believed to have originated from a common ancestor, likely through chemical processes and the formation of self-replicating molecules. This concept is called abiogenesis or biopoiesis. By discussing the evolution of cells over time, you can connect the role of cells as the fundamental units of life to the broader context of evolutionary biology.

Remember to provide supporting evidence from scientific research, theories, and observations to back up your statements. This can include referencing influential scientists, experiments, or discoveries that have contributed to our understanding of cells as the building blocks of life.