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In each sentence, identify the prepositional phrases and each preposition.

1. The spotlight is tight on Scrooge’s head and shoulders.
prepositional phrase, and shoulders. preposition, and

2. He and I were partners for I don’t know how many years.
prepositional phrase, for I don’t know how many years. preposition, for.

3. Scrooge is busy in his counting house.
prepositional phrase, in his counting house. preposition, in

4. Cratchit … tries to heat his hands around his candle.
prepositional phrase, around his candle. preposition, around.

5. Next, you’ll be asking to replenish your coal from my coalbox ….
prepositional phrase, from my coalbox. preposition, from

6. You keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in mine.
prepositional phrase, and let me keep it in mine. preposition, and

7. There are many things from which I have derived good, by which I have not profited ….
prepositional phrase, by which I have not profited. preposition, by

8. Let me hear another sound from you and you’ll keep your Christmas by losing your situation.
prepositional phrase, and you’ll keep your Christmas by losing your situation. preposition, and

1, 6, 7, and 8 are wrong.

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I'll only check one more set of answer for these sentences.

To identify the prepositional phrases and prepositions in each sentence, follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully.
2. Look for words that show a relationship between other words or phrases in the sentence (e.g., in, on, for, from, by).
3. Identify the phrase that is connected to the preposition.
4. Label the prepositional phrase and identify the preposition within it.

Let's apply these steps to the sentences you provided:

1. The spotlight is tight on Scrooge’s head and shoulders.
- Prepositional phrase: on Scrooge's head and shoulders
- Preposition: on

2. He and I were partners for I don’t know how many years.
- Prepositional phrase: for I don’t know how many years
- Preposition: for

3. Scrooge is busy in his counting house.
- Prepositional phrase: in his counting house
- Preposition: in

4. Cratchit … tries to heat his hands around his candle.
- Prepositional phrase: around his candle
- Preposition: around

5. Next, you’ll be asking to replenish your coal from my coalbox ….
- Prepositional phrase: from my coalbox
- Preposition: from

6. You keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in mine.
- Prepositional phrase: in your own way and let me keep it in mine
- Preposition: in

7. There are many things from which I have derived good, by which I have not profited ….
- Prepositional phrase: from which I have derived good, by which I have not profited
- Preposition: from, by

8. Let me hear another sound from you and you’ll keep your Christmas by losing your situation.
- Prepositional phrase: from you and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your situation
- Preposition: from, by

By following these steps, you can accurately identify the prepositional phrases and prepositions in a sentence.