Triangle S(-6,10)T(-9,3)U(-3,3) is translated right 2 units and 3 units down. What are the coordinates of the vertices of the image?

s'(-9,12), t'(-12,5), u'(-6,5)
s'(-4,7), t'(-7,0), u'(-1,0)******
s'(-8,13), t'(-11,6), u'(-5,6)
s'(-4,10), t'(-7,32), u'(-1,3)

I need help with the other questions though

Can someone help with all?

you got this one right

I got that one right too but I can’t find out the rest!!


Calm down guys.

It’s B

To translate a point, you need to add or subtract the same amount from each coordinate of the original point to find the coordinates of the image.

In this case, we need to translate the triangle right 2 units and 3 units down.

Starting with point S(-6, 10), to translate it right 2 units, we add 2 to the x-coordinate, resulting in (-6 + 2, 10) = (-4, 10). Then, to translate it 3 units down, we subtract 3 from the y-coordinate, resulting in (-4, 10 - 3) = (-4, 7).

Similarly, for point T(-9, 3), we translate it right 2 units: (-9 + 2, 3) = (-7, 3), and then down 3 units: (-7, 3 - 3) = (-7, 0).

For point U(-3, 3), we translate it right 2 units: (-3 + 2, 3) = (-1, 3), and then down 3 units: (-1, 3 - 3) = (-1, 0).

Therefore, the coordinates of the image vertices after the translation are:
S'(-4, 7),
T'(-7, 0), and
U'(-1, 0).