Is it save too say that any type of job you are applying for or are eligible for has to have some type of technology? I am typing an essay on this so just a couple of facts would be good enough for me.

Is it safe to say that?

Yes, in today's world, I agree.

6 examples of how technology is used in everyday jobs. - SYDCON Blog
Technology. It is not just for tech geeks, programmers or office executives. In 2014 and beyond technology has a growing presence in a variety ...

Jobs That Require Tech - The Muse
4 Popular Careers You Surprisingly Need Tech Skills For ... To stand out in the job search or get ahead where you already are, you need to update your skill set ...

thank you youre the best

You're very welcome!

Yes, it is safe to say that almost every type of job in today's world involves the use of technology in some way. Technology has become an integral part of almost every industry and profession, revolutionizing the way we work and improving efficiency. Here are a few facts to support this statement:

1. Increased dependence on technology: With the rapid advancements in technology, businesses and organizations across various sectors have become more reliant on it to streamline operations, communicate, analyze data, and improve productivity.

2. Automation and Digital Transformation: Automation and digitization are transforming numerous industries, leading to the integration of technology into traditional job roles. From manufacturing and healthcare to finance and marketing, technology is being adopted to automate processes and enhance outcomes.

3. Evolving Skill Sets: The growing prevalence of technology requires workers to develop digital skills to remain competitive in the job market. Skills such as data analysis, programming, digital marketing, and proficiency in using productivity tools are increasingly sought after by employers in various industries.

4. Communication and Connectivity: The widespread use of technology has transformed the way people communicate and collaborate in the workplace. Tools like email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management software have become essential for effective communication and teamwork.

To further support your essay, you may consider conducting research on specific industries and job roles to provide more detailed examples of how technology is integrated into various professional fields.