I want to write a speech under a topic that say traditional African marriage is an advantage for men only,not

women so how am i suppose to write it?

Start with an introductory paragraph that captures your audience's interest. Include your thesis statement in your first paragraph.

The next two or three paragraphs should include the reasons behind your thesis.

Finally write your conclusion, perhaps urging your audience to do something.

I want answer about this topic

To write a speech on the topic of traditional African marriage being an advantage for men only, not women, you'll need to follow a structured approach. Here are the steps you can take to write your speech:

1. Research: Begin by gathering information about traditional African marriage customs, gender roles, and societal expectations. Look for reliable sources like academic papers, books, and credible websites. This will help you understand the topic thoroughly and support your arguments with evidence.

2. Introduction:
a. Start with a captivating opening statement or a relevant anecdote that grabs your audience's attention.
b. Clearly state the purpose of your speech and provide a brief overview of what you will be discussing.

3. Background and Context:
a. Provide a brief description of traditional African marriage customs and rituals.
b. Explain the roles assigned to men and women within these customs.
c. Highlight the traditional advantages that men enjoy and clarify the disadvantages women may face.

4. Arguments Supporting the Advantage for Men:
a. Present arguments that support the claim that traditional African marriage is advantageous for men.
b. Examples include the expectation of dowry, control over household decisions, ownership of property, and maintaining dominance in decision-making processes.

5. Arguments Countering the Advantage for Women:
a. Present arguments that challenge the notion that traditional African marriage solely benefits men.
b. Discuss the disadvantages women face concerning limited access to education, reduced career opportunities, lack of control over their bodies, and potential for abuse within the marriage.

6. Counterarguments and Rebuttals:
a. Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and counter them with logical reasoning, evidence, or examples.
b. Present your refutations respectfully while maintaining a persuasive tone.

7. Conclusion:
a. Summarize your main points briefly and reiterate your central argument.
b. Offer a closing statement that leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Remember, as the author of the speech, you have control over the tone and direction, so ensure you approach the topic respectfully and fairly. It is essential to present your arguments objectively and allow your audience to form their own informed opinions based on the information you provide.