What is the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society? Place the highest class at the top and the lowest class at the bottom.

A. creoles

B. mestizos and mulattoes

C. Africans and Native Americans


My awnsers

I agree.

To determine the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society, you need to consider the hierarchical structure of society during that time period. Here's how you can figure out the correct order:

1. Start by understanding the different social classes in Spanish colonial society:
- Peninsulares: These were people of Spanish birth who held the highest social status in the colonies.
- Creoles: Creoles were individuals of Spanish descent who were born in the colonies. They held the second-highest social status.
- Mestizos and Mulattoes: Mestizos were people of mixed European and Indigenous descent, while Mulattoes were people of mixed European and African descent. They held a middle position in the social hierarchy.
- Africans and Native Americans: Enslaved Africans and Indigenous people were at the lowest stratum of Spanish colonial society.

2. Now, using this understanding, you can determine the correct order of the social pyramid:
- The highest class in the social pyramid was the Peninsulares (D).
- The second highest class was the Creoles (A).
- Next in the order were the Mestizos and Mulattoes (B).
- Finally, at the bottom of the pyramid, were Africans and Native Americans (C).

So, the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society is D (Peninsulares), A (Creoles), B (Mestizos and Mulattoes), C (Africans and Native Americans).

You got it right! The correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society, from highest class to lowest class, is:

D. Peninsulares
A. Creoles
B. Mestizos and Mulattoes
C. Africans and Native Americans