Which skill did early New Guineans develop that Australia’s Aborigines did not?

A - farming
B - oral tradition
C - navigation
D - hunting and gathering **

1. Settlement of New Zealand and Hawaii.

2. A
3. C
They're all correct, I just did the Quick Check.

anon is 100% correct thanks

What about the test ?????

1. settlement of New Zealand and Hawaii.

2. farming
3. A variety of Aboriginal cultures developed due to the diversity of the land.

Hope this helps

Thanks anon! He's correct for peoples of the future.

Thank you Anon! You really helped me!

Anon is correct

What about the test though???

I .
n e e d .
H E L P .

I disagree.

Please go back and read your text. Re-read it, if necessary.

thx anon I got 100% cause of u

Anon thx

Anon i got a 40% and i did what you said. :(


Actually you are

it's A farming

hope this helps :)

@Anon is correct for Connexus ONLY (I think) because I got 100 on my Connexus because I came here to check my answers

thx poopy

witch is the right one a or c
