What's a group of similar things called

a kind

a type
a category

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Looking at things that are similar is called

1 contrast
2 comparing
3 evaluations
4 sublimating

A group of similar things is typically called a "category" or a "collection." To determine the correct term for a specific group, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the common characteristics: Look for similarities among the things you want to group together. For example, if the things have the same function, shape, or purpose, they likely belong to a specific category.

2. Research existing categorizations: Consult dictionaries, encyclopedias, or online resources to check if there is already a specific term commonly used to describe the group you have in mind. This can help you find established terms or concepts that are widely recognized.

3. Use descriptive language: If there isn't a specific term for the group you are describing, you can use descriptive language to explain it. For example, you could say "a collection of cars," "a group of books," or "a category of animals."

Remember, the choice of term can vary depending on context and the specific things being grouped together.