What are 4 natural disasters




is that all of them

I don't know. Google natural disasters.

That's a great start! Two natural disasters you mentioned are tsunami and volcano eruptions. Let's explore two more natural disasters.

1. Hurricane: A hurricane is a powerful and destructive storm that commonly forms over warm ocean waters. It is characterized by a low-pressure center, strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges. To learn more about hurricanes, you can search for information on weather websites, read articles or books about meteorology, or watch documentaries about natural disasters.

2. Earthquake: An earthquake occurs when the Earth's tectonic plates shift and release built-up energy. This sudden release of energy causes vibrations or seismic waves, resulting in shaking of the ground. Earthquakes can range in severity, from minor tremors to catastrophic events causing widespread damage and loss of life. To understand earthquakes better, you can study seismology, read scientific articles or books on geology, or search for educational videos on the topic.

Remember that there are many other natural disasters, such as tornadoes, floods, wildfires, and landslides. Exploring each of these disasters further will deepen your knowledge and understanding of them.