Identify ALL of the energy transformations that occur in the following scenario - A toaster is plugged into the wall and is in the process of making toast.

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To identify all the energy transformations in a toaster making toast, we need to understand the different forms of energy involved and how they change during the process. Here are the energy transformations that occur:

1. Electrical Energy to Heat Energy: The toaster is plugged into the wall, which provides electrical energy. This electrical energy is transformed into heat energy when the toaster's heating elements begin to heat up.

2. Heat Energy to Thermal Energy: As the heating elements of the toaster heat up, they transfer heat to the bread placed inside. This heat energy is transferred to the bread, causing it to become toast. The heat energy is transformed into thermal energy within the bread, making it warm.

3. Thermal Energy to Radiant Energy: Once the bread becomes toast, the thermal energy inside the toast is converted into radiant energy in the form of light and heat. The toast emits light energy in the visible spectrum and heat energy as infrared radiation.

Overall, the energy transformations in this scenario are from electrical energy to heat energy, then from heat energy to thermal energy, and finally from thermal energy to radiant energy (light and heat).