I need points about the topic that says, English is the language of opportunity, why bother to teach indigenious languages.?


To gather points about why it is important to teach indigenous languages despite English being seen as the language of opportunity, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the benefits of preserving indigenous languages: Study the cultural, social, and historical significance of indigenous languages. Look at how language proficiency can contribute to preserving cultural identity, strengthening communities, and passing on traditional knowledge.

2. Examine the importance of language diversity: Identify the intrinsic value of linguistic diversity in promoting global understanding and appreciation for different cultures. Explore research on the cognitive and educational advantages of bilingualism or multilingualism.

3. Consider the impact on indigenous communities: Understand how the suppression or loss of indigenous languages can lead to the erosion of cultural heritage, identity, and self-esteem within indigenous communities. Investigate how language revitalization efforts can empower these communities and foster a sense of pride and belonging.

4. Evaluate the educational and cognitive benefits: Examine studies that highlight the positive impact of learning indigenous languages on cognitive development, academic performance, and overall linguistic abilities. Consider how bilingual education can enhance critical thinking skills and broaden opportunities for indigenous students.

5. Assess communication and inclusivity: Discuss how the inclusion of indigenous languages in education systems can improve communication, create more inclusive learning environments, and promote intercultural understanding. Investigate how preserving and teaching indigenous languages can bridge gaps between generations and foster a sense of intergenerational continuity.

6. Consider the economic aspects: Consider how preserving indigenous languages can create economic opportunities by promoting cultural tourism, creating language-related jobs (such as translation or interpretation), and facilitating economic exchanges between indigenous communities and the wider society.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will be able to gather a range of points to explain why it is important to teach indigenous languages despite English being considered the language of opportunity.