Hello please help i need answers for Understanding the Coordinate Plane

to the practice and quick check i will appreciate the help a lot thankyou

these are my answers
5.a and d
6.c and d
7.a and b
quick check

well i tried but i can't second writeacher with al due respect you can't just yell at me putting capital letters in a whole sentence or word is yelling

look your job is to help the kids so that they can understand and respectfully you aren't helping me at all your just stressing me out more.

ye ok no answers here

bro yall are useless whsts the answer s

but i put my answers

and they are pictures i can't copy and past those

guys it's not that hard to understand him so why you don't just help instead of criticizing but I'm on Street fighters' side and school is already hard enough so why don't we stop the drama and just help each other

Uhm I think what he means is that he doesn't know exactly what lesson your talking about and cant understand if your questions are right or not because you haven't provided him with anything to answer. Those could be any answers do any coordinate lesson. Usually I would side with the student but that's when they're right. No offense.

1.) city hall (1,5)

2.) point c

3.) (-1,4)

4.) point c

5.) point D and E

6.) point B is on the x-axis , point A and point D share the same y-coordinate

7.) (0 , -4) and (1,1)

you right or not lone wolf???????



lone wolf is right for everything except the las question. it is (0,-4) & (0,3).

so overall he is correct for 2023.

lone wolf is right but last answer is (0, -4) and (0,3) :)

peep the name

No one can check your answers because you have not provided the questions!!

Then you've come to the wrong place.