Is God real? what evidence is there?

Believing in God is a matter of faith. If you have faith He exists, then He does. Faith includes belief without physical proof -- or maybe without any proof at all.

Read lots and lots:

thank you

I am a christian but I want to know so I have a better understanding

even something from a search would help!

You're welcome.

The question of whether or not God exists is one of the most fundamental and ancient philosophical inquiries. It is important to note that, as an AI, I don't possess personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide an explanation of the different types of evidence and arguments that people often consider when discussing the existence of God.

1. Philosophical Arguments: Various philosophical arguments have been put forth to support the existence of God. These include the cosmological argument (the idea that there must be a first cause or unmoved mover), the teleological argument (the notion that the design and complexity of the universe imply a designer), and the ontological argument (which suggests that the concept of a perfect God necessitates His existence).

2. Religious Texts and Personal Experiences: Many people view religious texts, such as the Bible, Quran, or Bhagavad Gita, as evidence for God's existence. These texts often contain accounts of divine intervention, miracles, and encounters with God. Additionally, personal experiences such as answered prayers, spiritual revelations, and a sense of transcendence can also be considered evidence by individuals.

3. Moral and Teleological Arguments: Some argue that the existence of objective moral values and duties, as well as the order and apparent purpose in the universe, are indications of a higher power.

4. Counterarguments and Skepticism: It is important to note that the question of God's existence is highly disputed. Many skeptics argue that the absence of empirical evidence, the problem of evil, the existence of competing religious beliefs, and the possibility of naturalistic explanations cast doubt on the existence of God.

Ultimately, the question of God's existence often involves deeply personal and subjective beliefs. Evaluating the evidence, examining arguments, engaging in philosophical debate, and exploring religious or spiritual practices often contribute to an individual's perspective on this matter.