Before the Civil War the collapse of the Whig Party and the formation of the Free Soil and the Republican parties showed that

a. opposing views on slavery affected national unity
b. Americans were united in their political views
c. major political parties received most of their support in the South
d. Americans were divided over the issue of unlimited coinage of silver

oh yes sorry I think it is A but I'm not sure to be honest

Yes, A.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the events leading up to the collapse of the Whig Party and the formation of the Free Soil and Republican parties before the Civil War.

First, it's important to note that the Whig Party was one of the dominant political parties in the United States during the mid-19th century. However, the party began to face internal divisions over various issues, including the expansion of slavery.

The collapse of the Whig Party was largely driven by the increasing tensions surrounding the issue of slavery. The party had members with differing views on the institution of slavery, which created a divide within the party. Some members, particularly those from the Northern states, became increasingly opposed to the expansion of slavery into the western territories. Meanwhile, other members, mostly from the Southern states, supported the continuation and expansion of slavery.

In response to this division, two new parties emerged: the Free Soil Party and the Republican Party. The Free Soil Party was formed in 1848 and was united in its opposition to the expansion of slavery. Its main focus was on preventing the spread of slavery into new territories.

The formation of the Republican Party occurred in the 1850s and it also had opposition to the expansion of slavery as a central theme. The Republican Party aimed to unite various anti-slavery groups and individuals, including members of the Free Soil Party. It eventually grew to become a major political force, especially in the Northern states.

Based on this historical context, the correct answer to the question is (a) opposing views on slavery affected national unity. The collapse of the Whig Party and the emergence of the Free Soil and Republican parties reflected the deep divisions and differing views on slavery in the United States. This ultimately led to tensions and conflicts that contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.

To summarize, to answer questions about historical events like this, it is crucial to analyze the context, key events, and the positions of relevant parties or individuals involved. By understanding the historical context, we can determine the factors that contributed to specific outcomes or changes.