1. You are the president of a bank. Your best friend comes into the bank to ask for a loan to start a rock band.

What business factors will determine whether or not you make the loan?

As the president of a bank, there are several business factors that will determine whether or not you grant a loan to your best friend to start a rock band. These factors include:

1. Creditworthiness: The first and most important factor is your friend's creditworthiness. You need to assess their financial history, credit score, and any outstanding debts to gauge their ability to repay the loan. This information can be obtained by requesting their credit report from a credit reporting agency.

2. Business Plan: Your friend should present a well-structured business plan that outlines their strategy, market analysis, revenue projections, and expenses. This plan should reflect a realistic and feasible approach to starting and sustaining a rock band as a business.

3. Market Potential: Assess the market potential for a rock band in your area. Analyze factors such as demand for live music, competition, audience demographics, and potential revenue streams. This information can be obtained through market research or by consulting industry reports.

4. Financial Stability: Evaluate your friend's personal financial stability. This includes their income, assets, and other financial obligations. It's important to ensure that they have a stable financial foundation, as it indicates their ability to manage the loan.

5. Collateral: Determine what collateral your friend can provide to secure the loan. Collateral acts as a guarantee for the bank in case of default. Examples of collateral can be personal assets, land, or equipment that can be used to cover the loan amount.

6. Repayment Plan: Discuss and analyze your friend's repayment plan. Evaluate their proposed timeline, monthly installments, and ability to generate enough revenue to cover the loan payments. This will help determine if their income and cash flow will allow them to meet their financial obligations.

In summary, to determine whether or not you make the loan, you need to carefully consider your friend's creditworthiness, their business plan, market potential, financial stability, available collateral, and their repayment plan. It is crucial to conduct a thorough assessment to ensure that granting the loan is a sound and financially viable decision.

As the president of a bank, there are several business factors that will determine whether or not I approve a loan for my best friend to start a rock band. These factors include:

1. Creditworthiness: One of the most important factors to consider is my friend's creditworthiness. I would assess their credit history, including their credit score and repayment patterns, to determine whether they have a good track record of repaying loans on time.

2. Business Plan: I would assess the viability and sustainability of my friend's business plan for the rock band. This would include evaluating their target audience, market demand, projected income and expenses, and overall financial feasibility.

3. Collateral: Depending on the loan amount and my friend's creditworthiness, I may consider requiring collateral as security for the loan. Collateral could be assets such as property, equipment, or other valuable items that can be used to recover the outstanding loan if the borrower defaults.

4. Cash Flow: I would review my friend's current and projected cash flow to determine if they have the ability to repay the loan. This would involve assessing their income sources, existing financial commitments, and potential sources of revenue for the rock band.

5. Risk Assessment: I would evaluate the overall risk associated with lending to my friend for a rock band. This includes considering the general riskiness of the music industry, competition, and any specific factors relevant to the rock band's success or failure.

6. Relationship: While it's important to maintain a professional approach, the personal relationship with my friend may also influence my decision. However, I would ensure that the loan approval is based primarily on objective business factors and not just personal friendship.

It's important to note that each bank may have its own specific lending criteria and policies, so this is just a general overview of the factors that would typically be considered when evaluating a loan application.